Developer Features: Styles
## Overview
In order to enable UX operations that cannot be achieved with standard functions using Ajax POST requests, you can set CSS that can be applied to each site.
## How to add styles
You can set styles for tables. This requires site administration privileges.
1. Open the desired table.
1. From the "Management" menu, click [Table Management](/en/manual/table-management).
1. Open the [Style](/en/manual/table-management-style) tab.
1. Click the "Create New" button.
1. Enter/set the items in the table below.
1. Click the Add button.
1. Click the Update button at the bottom of the screen.
|Item name|Description|How to set|
|Title|Style title|Enter any title|
|Style|Style content|Enter any CSS|
|Output destination|Select the output screen|Set with checkboxes|