Developer Features: Styles
## Overview
In order to enable UX operations that cannot be achieved with standard functions using Ajax POST requests, you can set CSS that can be applied to each site.
## How to add styles
You can set styles for tables. This requires site administration privileges.
1. Open the desired table.
1. From the "Management" menu, click 「Table Management」.
1. Open the [Style](/en/manual/table-management-style) tab.
1. Click the "Create New" button.
1. Enter/set the items in the table below.
1. Click the Add button.
1. Click the Update button at the bottom of the screen.
|Item name|Description|How to set|
|Title|Style title|Enter any title|
|Style|Style content|Enter any CSS|
|Output destination|Select the output screen|Set with checkboxes|