User Manual



Table Function: Calendar Display of Records

## Overview Displays the "Records" stored in the "[Table](/en/manual/table)" in "[Calendar](/en/manual/table-management-calendar)" format. ## Prerequisites Read Permission is required. ## Operation Procedure 1. Open the table list screen. 1. Open the "Display" menu and click "[Calendar](/en/manual/table-management-calendar)". ## Display Switching Items ### Calendar Type: Standard ![image]( |Item name|Description|Setting method |:---|:---|:---| |Classification|Display a calendar for each classification item. |Specify the classification item for which the option list is set. | |Period|Switch the calendar display by year or by month. In year view, you cannot move the date by drag-and-drop. |Specify the year, month, or week. | |Item|Set which date item is used as the basis for displaying records on the calendar. In a table with due dates, records can be displayed in a combined start-to-finish state. |Specify any date field. | |Date|Switch the display to the month that includes the specified date in the currently displayed calendar unit. |Specify any date. | |Date navigation buttons|Use the previous and next buttons to switch the display to the next month or week. Use the Today button to switch to a display including the current day in the currently displayed calendar unit. || ### Calendar Type: FullCalendar ![image]( |Item name|Description|Setting method |:---|:---|:---| |Item|Set which date item is used as the basis for displaying records on the calendar. In a table with due dates, records can be displayed in a combined start-to-finish state. |Specify any date field. | |Month button|Switch to a monthly display. || |Week button|Switch to a weekly display. || |Day buttom|Switch to a daily hourly unit display. || |List button|Switch to a list format display by month. || |Date move button|Use the < Button, > button to switch the currently displayed calendar to the next month, week, or day. Use the Today button to switch to a display including the current day in the currently displayed calendar unit. || ## Record Operation ### Display the Editor Screen Click the pencil mark or double-click the record to display the editor screen. ### Change the Record Date Dates can be changed by dragging and dropping records. Calendar type: Drag and drop is not available if the period is set to years by default. If the FullCalendar is displayed in the list display, Calendar type: Drag and drop is not available. ![image]( ![image]( ## Settings for Displaying Status If you want to display the status on the calendar, check the "Show Status" checkbox. ![image]( ![image]( ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table">Table Function</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-calendar">Table Management: Calendar</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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