User Manual



Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Hidden

## Overview Turn this on to hide the "Input Item". Unlike "Disable Input Item", the "Input Item" element is output on the HTML, but the "Input Item" is "Hidden" by "CSS". Use this when referencing values ​​from "[Script](/en/manual/table-management-script)" without displaying them in the "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)". This is a control to not display in edit mode, not a function to not display in the list. It is included as data in HTML. To control whether or not items can be viewed as permissions, use the "[Item Access Control](table-management-column-access-control)" function. ## Restrictions 1. Cannot be used with "[Comment Item](/en/manual/table-management-comments)". ## Prerequisites 1. "Site Administration Permission" is required to configure settings. ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-comments">Table Management: Item: Comment</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-editor">Table Management: Editor</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-script">Table Management: Script</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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