User Manual



Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Multiple Selection

## Overview This setting allows you to select multiple choices for classification items. ![image]( ## Limitations 1. If multiple selection is enabled in the parent table and there is a classification item with a link setting, the sort function for the classification items of the parent table displayed in the link list on the child table editing screen will not work. ## Operation Procedure Open the Editor tab from Table Management in the Manage menu. Select the classification item for which you want to use the multiple selection function from the Enabled column and click the Detail Settings button. ![image]( Check "Multiple Selection" on the Detail Settings screen and click the Change button. Return to the Editor screen and click the Update button. ![image]( ## Usage For classification items for which multiple selection is enabled, a check box will be displayed at the beginning of the line of choices, allowing multiple selections, as shown below. ![image]( If the search function is enabled, multiple selections can be made in the search dialog. Hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Macintosh) while clicking the items you want to select. Range selection with the Shift key is also possible. ![image]( In the list screen, multiple selected items will be displayed side by side as shown below. ![image]( ## Export Classification items with multiple selection enabled will be exported as follows. ``` ["Ishida Shokichi"] ["Yamada Taro", "Suzuki Suzuko", "Sato Satomi"] ``` ![image]( ## Set Export Classification items with multiple selection enabled can be exported as follows, with or without checks for each item. Open the Export tab from the Table Management in the Manage menu, select the item with multiple selection enabled, and click Detail Settings. ![image]( Check the Output Classification to Columns check box in the dialog and click Change. When you return to the export screen, click Update. ![image]( Selections will be output as individual columns, with 1 written for selected items. ![image]( ## Import Similar to the export, items with 1 written in the columns will be imported as selected. ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ## Related Information ・[Table Management: Editor](/manual/table-management-editor) ・[Table Management: Export](/manual/table-management-export) ・[Import CSV Data to Pleasanter](/manual/table-record-import)
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