User Manual



Table Management: View: Advanced Setting: Default Display

## Overview Specifies which view mode is displayed when the "[View](/en/manual/table-record-view)" is displayed. ## Operation Procedure 1. Open the target "[Table](/en/manual/table)". 1. Click "「Table Management」" from the Management menu. 1. Open the View tab. 1. Click the "Create New" button to create a new view, or the "Advanced Settings" button to change an existing view. 1. Select the view mode in the "Default Display" drop-down list. ![image]( 1. Click the "Change" button at the bottom of the screen. ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table">Table Function</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li> <li><a href="/en/manual/table-record-view">Table Function: Switch Record Views</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-view">Tables Management: View</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/api-view">開発者向け機能:JSONデータレイアウト:View</a><span>11.06.2023 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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