User Manual



Table Management: View: Advanced Settings: List tab: Filter And Aggregation Settings

## Overview Sets the display type of the filter and summary when "[View](/en/manual/table-record-view)" is specified. ## Supported Versions 1. Pleasanter or later 1. Pleasanter .NET Framework version or later ## Prerequisites 1. "Site Administration Permissions" are required to set up. ## Operation Procedure 1. Open the target "[Table](/en/manual/table)". 1. Click "「Table Management」" from the Management menu. 1. Open the View tab. 1. Select any view and click the "Advanced Settings" button. 1. Click the List tab. 1. Select the display type of the filter and summary. 1. Click the "Add" button. 1. Click the "Update" button at the bottom of the screen. ## Setting Contents |No|Choice|Description| |:----|:----|:----| |1|Display|Displays when the list transitions. Click to hide. | |2|Hide|Does not display when the list transitions. Click to display. | |3|Always Display|Displays when the list is changed. Cannot be hidden by clicking. | |4|Always Display|Does not display when the list is changed. Cannot be hidden by clicking. | ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table">Table Function</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li> <li><a href="/en/manual/table-record-view">Table Function: Switch Record Views</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-view">Tables Management: View</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/api-view">開発者向け機能:JSONデータレイアウト:View</a><span>11.06.2023 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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