Table Function: Record Access Control
## Overview
You can set "Access rights" for "Records" in [Table](/en/manual/table). "Access Rights" can be granted only to specific records even to "[Users](/en/manual/user)" who have not been assigned "Access rights" in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)". If "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)" and "Record Access Control" are set at the same time, both "Access Rights" will be enabled. For example, if "Read Permission" is granted in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)" and "Update Permission" is granted in "Record Access Control," both "Read Permission" and "Update Permission" will be enabled.
## Limitations
1. In "Record Access Control", you need to set permissions for each "Record". If you want to narrow down the records displayed in the list screen based on specific conditions, use the "view. Filters object" in "[Server Script](/en/manual/table-management-server-script)" or "[OnSelectingWhere](/en/manual/faq-extended-sql-selecting-where)" in 「Extended SQL」.
1. You can check "Create Permission" in "Record Access Control", but the create permission is not granted. Please set it in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)".
1. You can check "Export permission" in "Record access control", but the export permission is not granted. Please set it in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)".
1. You can check "Import permission" in "Record access control", but the import permission is not granted. Please set it in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)".
1. You can check "Site Administrator Permission" in "Record Access Control", but the site administrator permission is not granted. Please set it in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)".
## Prerequisites
1. "Read Permission", "Update Permission", and "Administration Permission" for "Record" are required.
## Operation Procedure
1. Go to the target table.
1. Search for the target record from the "[List Screen](/en/manual/table-grid)".
1. Click on the target record.
1. The "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)" will be displayed, so open the "Record Access Control" tab.
1. Select the target "[Depts](/en/manual/table-management-choices-text-depts)", "[Group](/en/manual/table-management-choices-text-groups)" or "[User](/en/manual/table-management-choices-text-users)" from the list of options and click the "Add Permissions" button.
1. Click the "Advanced Settings" button, check the required permissions and click the "Change" button.
1. If there are any unnecessary settings in the "List Of Permission Settings", click them and click the "Delete Permissions" button.
1. Click the "Update" button.
1. The process is complete when ""xxxx" has been updated." is displayed. The title of the record will be displayed in place of xxxx.
## More Information
1. You can automatically set "Record Access Control" when creating a "Record". For instructions on how to set it, see "[Table Management: Access Control: Record Access Control](table-management-record-access-control)".
## Related Information
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