Table Function: Search for Record (Filter)
## Overview
By operating the "[Filter](/en/manual/table-management-filter)" at the top of the screen index, you can search for records with specific conditions. Multiple conditions can also be combined. When "[View Save Type](/en/manual/dashboard-view)" is set to "Session" or "User", the set filter will be retained even after moving to other screens. Filters also work on chart screens such as "[Calendar](/en/manual/table-management-calendar)" and "[Gantt Chart](/en/manual/table-management-gantt)" in the same way as on the screen index.

## Limitations
1. If "[Always Request Search Conditions](/en/manual/table-management-always-request-search-condition)" is turned on in "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)", records will not be displayed unless one or more filters are set.
1. If "[View Save Type](/en/manual/dashboard-view)" is disabled in "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)", the filter will be released when you transition to a new screen.
1. Search results may differ between SQL Server and PostgreSQL. SQL Server uses the LIKE clause or "Full-Text Search", while PostgreSQL uses the ILIKE clause or "Full-Text Search" using pg_trgm.
1. If you want to filter by the values of tables more than two levels deep, you need to enable the "[Use Search Function](/en/manual/table-management-use-search)".
## Prerequisites
1. The column to be searched must be enabled in "[Filter](/en/manual/table-management-filter)".
1. The column to be searched must be enabled in "「Index」" or "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)". If the column is enabled in "[Filter](/en/manual/table-management-filter)" but disabled in "「Index」" and "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)", the filter will not be displayed on the screen.
## Operation Method
### "Incomplete" Checkbox
By turning on this check, you can search for incomplete records. Records with less than 900 options registered in the status column are considered incomplete. By default, records are considered incomplete when anything other than "Completed" or "Pending" is selected. If the "[Status](/en/manual/table-management-status)" column is disabled in the "「Index」" and "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)", the "Incomplete" checkbox will not be displayed in the filter.
### "Own" Checkbox
By turning on this check, you can search for records where the login user is selected in the "Manager" or "Owner" columns. If both the "Manager" and "Owner" columns are disabled in both the "「Index」" and "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)," the "Own" checkbox will not be displayed in the filter.
### "Due Soon" Checkbox
By turning on this check, you can search for records whose completion date falls within the range specified by "Due Soon" days (before) and "Due Soon" days (after) settings in the "[Manage Table: Filter](table-management-filter)". This can only be used with a time-limited table. By default, the target period is within 7 days before and after. If the "Completion" column is disabled in both the "「Index」" and "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)," the "Due soon" checkbox will not be displayed in the filter.
### "Delay" Checkbox
By turning on this check, you can search for records that are determined to be delayed. Records whose status is incomplete and whose progress is lower than the scheduled digestion rate will be considered delayed. Only time-limited tables are available. The conditions for delay are as follows:
1. Incomplete (status column set to a number less than 900)
1. The current time is past the completion date, and the Progression rate is less than 100%
1. The progression rate is less than the scheduled consumption rate
Progression rate = (current time - start column *) / (completion column - start column *) × 100
*If the start column is not entered, the record creation date will be used.
### "Overdue" Checkbox
By turning on the check, you can search for records that have less than 900 options registered in the "[Status](/en/manual/table-management-status)" column and have exceeded the date and time set in the completion column. Available only for time-limited tables.
### "Classification", "[Title](/en/manual/tenant-logo)", "[Contents](/en/manual/table-management-body)", and "[Description](/en/manual/table-management-column-description)" Text Boxes
Search by entered text string is available. A search-by-text box is available when there is no option in the class column. Search keywords are case-insensitive. AND search is possible by separating multiple words with a space. OR search is not supported. To search for a record with no entry, enter a single-byte or double-byte space in the text box and press the Enter key.
### "Classification", "[Status](/en/manual/table-management-status)", "Manager", and "Owner" Drop-Down Lists
You can search by opening the drop-down list and checking the search target. If multiple options are checked, the search will be performed using OR conditions. If you select “(Unset)”, records for which no option is set will be searched. Also, if you select "Own", it will search for records where the logged-in user is set. If the "[Use Search Function](/en/manual/table-management-use-search)" is set to ON in the column's advanced settings, a search dialog box will appear when you click on the drop-down list, so please select your option here.
### "Numerical Value", "Work Volume", and "Progression rate" Drop-Down Lists
You can search by opening the drop-down list and checking the options that indicate the range of numerical values to be searched. If multiple options are checked, the search will be performed using OR conditions. If you select "(Unset)", records with no numerical value entered will be searched for.
### "Numerical Value", "Work Volume", and "Progression rate" Text Boxes
If "Mode Selection" is set to "「Range」" in the advanced filter settings, click on the filter to open a dialog box for entering a numerical value range, enter a numerical value in the "Start" and "End" fields, and click "OK". It is also possible to enter only "Start" or only "End".
### "Date", "Created Datetime", and "Updated Datetime" Drop-Down Lists
Open the drop-down list and check the option that indicate the range of dates to be searched. If multiple options are checked, the search will be performed using the OR condition. If you select "(Unset)", records with dates not yet entered will be searched.
### "Date", "Created Datetime", and "Updated Datetime" Text Boxes
If "Select Mode" is set to "「Range」" in the advanced settings of the filter, click on the filter to open a dialog box for entering a date range, enter a numerical value in the "Start" and "End" fields, and click “OK. It is also possible to enter only "Start" or only "End". If the "[Editor Format](/en/manual/table-management-editor-format)" is set to "Year, Month, Date", the range of dates specified in "End" up to 23:59:59.997 hours will be extracted.
### "Check" and "Lock" Checkboxes
By checking the check box, you can search for checked records.
### "Check" and "Lock" Drop-Down Lists
If "[Control Type](/en/manual/table-management-filter-check-filter-control-type)" is set to "On" and "Off" in the advanced filter settings, select "On" to search for records that are checked, or "Off" to search for records that are not checked.
### Attachment File Columns
There is no search function for attachment columns.
### Search
Select "Negation" with a string entered in the "[Search](/en/manual/table-management-search)" text box. The search will be performed on columns where "[Fulltext Types](/en/manual/table-management-full-text-type)" has been set in the column's advanced settings. Search keywords are not case-sensitive. AND search is performed when a space separates words. If "or" is entered between words, an OR search is performed. The search behavior varies depending on the "[Search Type](/en/manual/table-management-search-type)" selected in "Search Settings".
## Reset
When you press the "Reset" button, all filter conditions will return to the settings of the selected view.
## Collapse and Expand
Click the X to the left of the word "[Filter](/en/manual/table-management-filter)" to collapse the filter. Click again to expand it back to its original state.
## Customize
Filters can be customized in display and functionality by using the "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)" function. Please refer to the following page for details.
[Manage Table: Filter](table-management-filter)
[Manage Table: Filter: Relating Column](table-management-filter-column-relation)
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