Table Function: Switch Record Views
## Overview
You can save a series of settings such as “[Column](/en/manual/table-management-column)”, “[Filter](/en/manual/table-management-filter)”, and “[Sort](/en/manual/table-record-sort)” for display on the “List screen”, etc., and switch the display by selecting from a list.
#### Default view
You can specify the view that will be displayed after logging on by setting "[Default View](/en/manual/table-management-default-view)" in "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)".
## Prerequisites
1. You must set "[View](/en/manual/table-management-view)" in "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)" beforehand.
## Operation Method
1. Open the target table.
1. "Select View" (a drop-down list for selecting a view) is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
1. When you select a view, the record list and each view mode will change according to the settings.
- If you need to reload data, such as to reflect updates made by other users, without switching views, double-click the area where the view is displayed.

## Related Information
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