User Manual



User Management Function: Invite User

## Invite User Function This is a mechanism to send invitation emails to users and have them approve them. Approved users can use Pleasanter. **The contents described on this page are for the open-source version. If you are using, the invitation method is different. Please download the " Start Guide" from the link below and check the "User invitation" section.** ## Prerequisites Please prepare in advance before using the Invite user function. 1. Please refer to [[Set Parameter: Registration.json](/manual/registration-json)] to set parameters. 1. Only "[Privileged User](/en/manual/user-management-privileged-users)" can approve users. (When approving users, the approval button will be hidden for users other than "[Privileged User](/en/manual/user-management-privileged-users)".) Please refer to [[Parameter settings: Security.json](] to set "[Privileged User](/en/manual/user-management-privileged-users)". ## Invite A User You can send an invitation email to any user by following the steps below. 1. Open the "Management" menu and click "Invite User". 1. Click the "Create New" button. 1. Enter the email address of the user you want to invite in the "Email Address" field. 1. Click the "Invite" button. 1. An invitation email will be sent to the above email address. ## Approval Request From Invited User The invited user can enter the required information and send an approval request email to the approver by following the steps below. 1. Click the link in the body of the invitation email to access the website. 1. Enter the required information such as "Name" and "Password". 1. Click the "Request Approval" button. 1. An approval request email will be sent to the email address set in [Registration.json settings](/manual/registration-json). ## Approve A User The approver can approve the approval request from the invited user by following the steps below. 1. Click the link in the body of the approval request email to access the website. 1. Click the "Approve" button. 1. An approval email will be sent to the user requesting approval. ## Log In to Pleasanter Invited users can log in to Pleasanter by following the steps below. 1. Click the link in the body of the approval email to display the Prizanter login screen. 1. Log in with the email address and password you set earlier. 1. The Pleasanter homepage will be displayed.
記載された商品名、各製品名は各社の登録商標または商標です。 © Implem Inc.