User Manual



Set Parameter: User.json

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## Notes When changing parameters, please refer to "[Confirmation When Changing Parameters](/en/manual/parameter-edit)". ## Supported Versions #### DisableGroupCreation 1. Pleasanter or later 1. Pleasanter .NET Framework version 0.50.277 or later #### DisableTopSiteCreation / DisableGroupAdmin 1. Pleasanter or later 1. Pleasanter .NET Framework version 0.50.226 or later #### Theme 1. .NET Core version 1.1.27 or later 1. .NET Framework version 0.50.251 or later ## Setting Values The setting values ​​of this parameter file are as follows. |Parameter name |Value (e.g)|Description| |:--|:--|:--| |DisableTopSiteCreation|false|Set true if you do not want to allow users to create folders, tables, etc. on the site top. If you set this parameter to true, only users who check "Allow creation on-site top" on the user edit screen can create folders, tables, etc. on the site top. | |DisableGroupAdmin|false|Set true if you do not want users to manage groups. If you set this parameter to true, only users who check "Allow group management" on the user edit screen can manage groups. | |DisableGroupCreation|false|Set true if you do not want users to create groups. If you set this parameter to true, only users who check "Allow group creation" on the user edit screen can create groups. | |DisableApi|false|Set true if you do not want users to use API. If you set this parameter to true, only users who check "Allow API" on the user edit screen can use API. | |SelectorToolTip|"LoginId"|Sets the content to be displayed in the tooltip when selecting a user in group management or site access control permission settings. You can set "LoginId" or "MailAddress". | |Theme|"cerulean"|Specify the "「User Interface Theme」". | ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/parameter-edit">Set Parameter: Confirmation When Changing Parameters</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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