User Manual



User Management Function: Tenant Administrator Settings

## Overview The "Tenant Administrator" is a user with administrative privileges for Pleasanter's department, groups, and users. The "Tenant Administrator" must be configured on the "User Management" screen. The "Administrator" that exists immediately after installing Pleasanter has "Tenant Administrator" privileges. Unlike "[Privileged User](/en/manual/user-management-privileged-users)", "Tenant Administrators" do not have privileges to tables that they do not have access to. ## Prerequisites 1. "Tenant Administrator" privileges are required to perform this configuration. ## Operation Procedure 1. Log in to Pleasanter as a user with "Tenant Administrator" privileges. 1. From the "Navigation Menu," select "Management" and "User Management". If you do not have "Tenant Administrator" privileges, the menu will not be displayed. 1. Click the target user from the list screen. 1. Check "Tenant Administrator." If you do not have "Tenant Administrator" privileges, the item will not be displayed. 1. Click the "Update" button.
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