User Manual



Set Parameter: Validation.json

## Overview Pleasanter counts all characters as one character, regardless of whether they are half-width or full-width characters. If you want to use this to count half-width characters as 1 character and double-width characters as 2 characters, set this parameter. The settings will be reflected in the counting method of "[Table Management: Editor: Item Details: Maximum Number of Characters](/en/manual/table-management-maxlength)". ## Notes * In principle, no changes are necessary. Set this only if you want to change the counting method. * When changing parameters, please refer to "[Confirmation When Changing Parameters](/en/manual/parameter-edit)". ## Setting Values The setting values ​​of this parameter file are as follows. |Parameter name |Value (e.g)|Description| |:--|:--|:--| |MaxLength|null|Unused| |MaxLengthCountType|"Character"|Specify "Character" if you want to count both half-width and full-width characters as one character. Specify "Regex" if you want to set the method for counting one character using a regular expression. | |SingleByteCharactorRegexClient|"\\x01-\\x7E\\uFF65-\\uFF9F"|Valid when MaxLengthCountType is specified as "Regex". Client-side regular expression for characters to be counted as one character. | |SingleSyteCharactorRegexServer|"\\u0001-\\u007E\\uFF65-\\uFF9F"|Valid when MaxLengthCountType is specified as "Regex". Server-side regular expression for characters to be counted as one character. |
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