FAQ: I want to transfer the value of a parent table item to a child table item
## Answer
Use "[Script](/en/manual/table-management-script)".
**This can be achieved with the "[Lookup](/en/manual/table-management-lookup)" function in .NET Framework version 0.50.251 and later, and .NET Core version 1.1.27 and later.**
## Overview
In tables that are parent-child relationships using the "[Link](/en/manual/table-record-import-and-link)" function, the value of the item entered in the parent table is transferred to the item in the child table.
As an example, when [Table A (parent)] [Table B (child)], the sample code for setting the value of "Classification A" in Table A to "Classification B" in Table B as the link item is shown below. (In this example, a script is set in Table B).
In Pleasanter, if you use [$p.apiGet](/en/manual/script-api-get), you can obtain values by ajax POST request just by specifying the record ID.
*If you are using version or earlier, some of the description will be different. Please check the comments in the sample code.
## Operation Method
1. Select the table for which you want to set the script and display the record list screen
1. From the navigation menu, select [Management]-[Table Management] to display the table management screen
1. Select the [Script] tab and press the "Create New" button to set the script
1. After writing the "[Title](/en/manual/tenant-logo)" and "[Script](/en/manual/table-management-script)", check "Create New" and "Edit" in "Output Destination"
*If you have set [Edit in Dialog], you must also check "List"
## Sample Code
##### JavaScript
//Event when loading the edit screen
$p.events.on_editor_load = function () {
//Event called each time the value of "Classification A" in table B is changed
$(document).on('change', '#' + $p.getControl('ClassA')[0].id, function () {
getParentData = function() {
//Get the value of the specified record in table A only if a value is set in table B's "Classification A"
if ($p.getControl('ClassA').val()) {
//Specify the value (record ID) of table B's "Classification A"
'id': $p.getControl('ClassA').val(),
'done': function (data) {
//Set the value of "Classification A" obtained from table A to table B's "Classification B"
//*If you are using version or earlier, remove the // at the beginning of the following comment line and delete the line that follows.
//$p.set($p.getControl('ClassB'), data.Response.Data[0].ClassA);
$p.set($p.getControl('ClassB'), data.Response.Data[0].ClassHash.ClassA);
'fail': function (data) {
} else {
//If no value is set in "Classification A" of table B, set an empty string to "Classification B" of table B
$p.set($p.getControl('ClassB'), '');
## Related Information
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<ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-script">Table Management: Script</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article>
<ul><li><a href="/en/manual/tenant-logo">Tenant Management Function: Logo, Title, Logo Image</a><span>10.08.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />