User Manual



FAQ: Frequently asked questions about migrating from previous versions to Pleasanter 1.2 or later

[Addition:2022/03/01【Important】The target framework will be changed to .NET6 from Pleasanter 1.3.]( ## Overview The .NET Framework and .NET Core versions have been integrated to become Pleasanter 1.2. Here is a summary of frequently asked questions about migrating to the newly released Pleasanter 1.2. [About the integration of Pleasanter .NET Framework and .NET Core versions]( ## List Of Questions 1. Can I continue to use Pleasanter Community Edition for free? 1. Can I continue to use my existing apps and data after migrating to Pleasanter 1.2? 1. What is Pleasanter 1.2? 1. Do I need to migrate from Windows to Linux to migrate to Pleasanter 1.2? 1. Do I need to migrate from SQL Server to PostgreSQL to migrate to Pleasanter 1.2? 1. Do I need to prepare a new OS environment to migrate to Pleasanter 1.2? 1. Please tell me the migration procedure from the .NET Framework version. 1. Please tell me the migration procedure from the .NET Core version. 1. Will the Pleasanter .NET Core version continue to be provided after July 2021? 1. Can I receive support for migrating to Pleasanter 1.2? 1. Will the Pleasanter .NET Framework version continue to be provided? 1. Will support for the Pleasanter .NET Framework version be available after 2022? ## Questions And Answers ### Can I continue to use Pleasanter Community Edition for free? Yes. Pleasanter 1.2 can continue to be used for free. Other paid services, including support services for Enterprise Edition, will be provided under the same plan as before. ### Can I continue to use my existing apps and data after migrating to Pleasanter 1.2? Yes. There will be no impact on your apps and data after the migration, so you can continue to use them as they are. ### What is Pleasanter 1.2? Based on the source code of the .NET Core version, the target framework has been changed from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 5. It can be used in combination with OS environments such as Windows, Linux, and Ubuntu, and SQL Server or PostgreSQL databases. ### Do I need to migrate from Windows to Linux to migrate to Pleasanter 1.2? No, you can continue to use it on Windows. ### Do I need to migrate from SQL Server to PostgreSQL to migrate to Pleasanter 1.2? No, you can continue to use it on SQL Server. ### Do I need to prepare a new OS environment to migrate to Pleasanter 1.2? No, you can upgrade your current OS environment and continue to use it as it is. There is no need to migrate data. ### Please tell me the migration procedure from the .NET Framework version. [Windows/Windows Serverにインストールしたプリザンター 1.3をプリザンター 1.4へ移行する手順](migrate-to-pleasanter-windows)<br> ### Please tell me the procedure for migrating from the .NET Core version. [Ubuntuにインストールしたプリザンター 1.3をプリザンター 1.4へ移行する手順](migrate-to-pleasanter-ubuntu) [Migration Procedure from Previous Pleasanter (.NET Core version) Built on CentOS to Pleasanter 1.3 or Later](migrate-to-pleasanter-centos) ### Will the .NET Core version of Pleasanter continue to be provided after July 2021? Pleasanter 1.2 is a change to the target framework of the .NET Core version. The .NET Core version will continue to be provided as Pleasanter 1.2. ### Can you help me migrate to Pleasanter 1.2? Yes, we can. Please contact us for details. ### Will the .NET Framework version of Pleasanter continue to be provided? The latest version of the .NET Framework version will be provided until December 2021. From January 2022 onwards, a bug-fixed version will be provided exclusively to users who have signed up for the annual support service (no new features will be included). ### Will support for the .NET Framework version of Pleasanter be available after 2022? From 2022 onwards, the annual support service for the .NET Framework version of Pleasanter will be available for new contracts and renewals. Support service for the .NET Framework version will be provided for up to five years from the release date. ## Related Information [FAQ: Frequently asked questions about migrating from previous versions to Pleasanter 1.2 or later](faq-migration-net5) [Migration Procedure from Previous Pleasanter (.NET Core version) Built on CentOS to Pleasanter 1.3 or Later](migrate-to-pleasanter-centos) [Ubuntuにインストールしたプリザンター 1.3をプリザンター 1.4へ移行する手順](migrate-to-pleasanter-ubuntu) [Windows/Windows Serverにインストールしたプリザンター 1.3をプリザンター 1.4へ移行する手順](migrate-to-pleasanter-windows) [Install Pleasanter on Windows Server 2019](getting-started-pleasanter-windows-server2019) [Install Pleasanter on Windows Server 2016](getting-started-pleasanter-windows-server2016) [Install Pleasanter on Windows 10/11](getting-started-pleasanter-windows10)
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