FAQ: When linking multiple tables through site integration, the list of options is not displayed in the link column of the child table when the integrated table that combines multiple tables is used as the parent.
## Answer
When specifying the table ID in the list of options, please enter the ID of the table to be merged, not the merged table.
## Overview
The integrated table only references the records in the source table and does not contain any records itself, so even if you specify the ID of the integrated table in the options list, no options will be displayed in the "[Link](/en/manual/table-record-import-and-link)" column of the child table.
If you want records displayed in the integrated table to be displayed in a linked item in a child table, you will need to link multiple original tables.
To be specific, go to the child table's "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)" - "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)" tab and enter the following in the "[Option List](/en/manual/table-management-choices-text)" column in the advanced settings for the child table's linked column (any class column).
`[[ID of source table 1]]
[[ID of source table 2]]
[[ID of source table 3]]`
## Related Information ##
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