User Manual



Developer Function: Script: $

## Overview This explains how to specify a method to be executed when the "[List Screen](/en/manual/table-grid)","[Dashboard](/en/manual/dashboard)" is loaded or when the displayed content is changed by a filter, etc. ## Syntax When setting up a script, be sure to check "List" for "Output Destination." ##### JavaScript ``` $ = function () { //Processing content } ``` ## Usage Example If you set the following sample code to Pleasanter script, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen when the List screen is loaded. ##### JavaScript ``` $ = function () { $p.setMessage('#Message', JSON.stringify({ Css: 'alert-success', Text: 'Now that the list screen has been loaded, we will display the screen.' })); } ``` ## Related Information [FAQ:$を複数設定できるようにしたい](faq-multiple-on-editor-load)
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