Table Function: Export Records
## Overview
Records stored in a table can be output as a CSV file. The order of items output to CSV can be set in "[Export Format](/en/manual/table-management-export)".
## Limitations
1. When "Child Table" items are displayed on the list screen, the row selection checkboxes on the table's left side will not be displayed.
1. If you do not have "Update Permission," "Delete Permission," or "Export Permission," the row selection check boxes displayed on the left side of the table will not be displayed.
## Prerequisites
1. "Export Permission" for "[Table](/en/manual/table)" is required.
## Operation Procedure
Records can be exported in a specified format. Export permission is required for this operation.
1. Check the checkboxes of the target records on the list screen. If no checkboxes are selected, all records will be targeted.
1. Click the "「Export」" button at the bottom of the screen.
1. Select the "[Format](/en/manual/table-management-format)".
1. Click the "「Export」" button.
1. The file will be downloaded.
## Related Information
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