Pleasanter Access Control
## What You Can Do With Pleasanter's Access Control

**Access control is possible for each table (site), record (row), and item (column) by user or group.**
・Grant read/write permission to a specific folder or table by specifying a user/department/group
・Grant read/write permission to a specific table to a specific user/department/group
・Grant read/write permission to a specific user/department/group to some records in a specific table
・Grant read/write permission to a specific user/department/group for a specific column

|Category|Scope when setting|Description|
|[Site access control](/manual/table-management-site-access-control)|Setting site, permission inheritance site|Applies to the set folder and table. If set to a folder, it also applies to sites that inherit permissions|
|[Record access control](|New creation, update*|Applies to newly created and updated records after setting. Existing records must be set individually|
|[Column access control](/manual/table-management-column-access-control)|All records in the table|Applies to all existing and newly created records|
*When you set record access control, it does not apply to existing records, so you must set it for each record individually.
## What Is A Site?
There are five types of sites in Pleasanter: Folder, Time limited table, Recorded Table, Wiki, and Dashboard.
Although each has a different role, the Time limited table and Recorded Table can be considered the same when setting access control.

|Type|Control column|Description|
|Folder|Site|A box for storing tables and Wikis|
|Time limited table|Site/record/column|Manages information for managing progress and deadlines, etc.|
|Recorded Table|Site/record/column|Manages general information that does not require a deadline, etc.|
|Wiki|Site/record|Manages notes and information that is updated infrequently|
|Dashboard|Site/dashboard parts|Displays various information in one place|
## Unit For Granting Access Rights

|User|Grant access rights to one user|
|Group|Grant access rights to all users belonging to a group|
|Department|Grant access rights to all users belonging to a department|
## Access Rights Types
The types of access rights are as follows. The following permissions are granted to department, group, and user.
|1|Read|Display table records or Wiki|
|2|Create|Create new table records|
|3|Update|Update table records or Wiki|
|4|Delete|Delete table records or Wiki|
|5|Send email|Send email from table records or Wiki|
|6|Export|Export table records as CSV files|
|7|Import|Import data from CSV files to tables|
|8|Site management|Create, change settings, and delete sites|
|9|Permission management|Set permissions for sites and records|
The standard patterns that combine the above access rights are as follows.
Settings other than the standard patterns are marked as special.
|Pattern|Read|Create|Update|Delete|Email|Export|Import|Site management|Permission management|
|Read Only|〇|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
## How To Set Up Each Access Control
[Site access control](/manual/table-management-site-access-control)
[Record access control](/manual/table-management-record-access-control)
[Column access control](/manual/table-management-column-access-control)