User Manual



Synchronize Active Directory User Information to Pleasanter

__In Pleasanter version or later, you can set the LDAP synchronization process to run at a fixed time every day by setting SyncByLdap in the [BackgroundService.json](/manual/background-service-json) configuration file to true. If you are using an older version, please follow the procedure described in this manual to run the LDAP synchronization process.__ # Prerequisites The following settings are required as prerequisites. - [Link Pleasanter with Active Directory](/manual/active-directory) # How to run You can perform LDAP synchronization by entering the following command in the URL field of your browser. Change {ServerName} to match your execution environment. http(s)://{ServerName}/users/syncbyldap # Settings for periodic synchronization By using the Task Scheduler to set up periodic synchronization of Active Directory information, you can import the latest personnel data into Pleasanter. ## Script installation Copy the contents of the following file to D:\Tools or any other folder. ## Task Scheduler Settings Set the following on the Create Task screen. After creating a task, right-click the task to run it. |Item|Settings|Description| |:--|:--|:--| |Task name|SyncByLdap|Enter any name. | |Run whether the user is logged on or not|Enabled|Runs even when logged off. | |Trigger|Optional period|Starts the script periodically. | |Executable program|%SystemRoot%\System32\ WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ powershell.exe|Executes PowerShell. | |Add arguments|-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ".\SyncByLdap.ps1"|Script to be called from PowerShell. | |Start|D:\Tools|Directory where SyncByLdap.ps1 is located. |
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