User Manual



FAQ: How to control the visibility of command buttons

## Answer This is controlled by "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/table-management-site-access-control)", "「Table Management」", "[Script](/en/manual/table-management-script)", "[Style](/en/manual/table-management-style)" and "[Server Script](/en/manual/table-management-server-script)". --- ## Overview The display/hide control of the command buttons displayed at the bottom of the Pleasnater screen varies depending on the type of button. ![image]( Here's how to set it up: |Button type|Screen classification|Control method|Manual link| |:----|:----|:----|:----| |Back|List|Table management > Set with CSS from Style|[FAQ: Sample code: I want to hide a specific button](| |Bulk delete|List|Table management > Set with site access control|[Site function: Access control](| |Import|List|Table management > Set with site access control|[Site function: Access control](| |Export|List|Table management > Set with site access control|[Site function: Access control](| |Edit mode|List|Table management > Set the list editing type from the list|[Table management: List screen: List editing type](| |Execute|List|Table management > Set in process|[Table management: Process](| |Back|Edit|Table management > Set in style, CSS|[FAQ: Sample code: I want to hide a specific button](| |Create|Edit (when creating a new table)|Table management > Set in style, CSS|[FAQ: Sample code: I want to hide a specific button](| |Update|Edit (when updating)|Table management > Set it in CSS from Style|[FAQ: Sample Code: I want to hide a specific button](| |Reference Copy|Edit|Table Management > Set reference copy from editor|[Table Management: Editor: Allow reference copy](| |Copy|Edit|Table Management > Set copy from editor|[Table Management: Editor: Allow copy](| |Email|Edit|Table Management > Set it in site access control|[Site Functions: Access Control](| |Delete|Edit|Table Management > Set it in site access control|[Site Functions: Access Control](| |Buttons added in process|Edit|Table Management > Set it in the process |[Table Management: Process](| Alternatively, you can set it using "[elements.DisplayType](/en/manual/server-script-elements-display-type)" in the server script.
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