FAQ: About the contents of the operation log (SysLogs table)
## Overview
User operation logs are output to the "「SysLogs Table」" in the database (Implem.Pleasanter). The contents of the output log are as follows.
## About Identifying Users
|UserHostName|The IP address from which the access originates is recorded, but if the access originates via a proxy, etc., it may be the same IP address. |
|UserHostAddress|Same as above. |
|Creator|If the user is logged in, this indicates the user ID. The user name must be linked to the Users table to confirm. |
|Updator|Same as above. |
## About User Operations
|Url|The URL requested by the user is recorded. |
|UrlReferer|The URL of the link that the user previously opened is recorded. |
|HttpMethod|The HTTP method sent by the user is recorded. |
|RequestData|The encoded string of the form data sent by the user is recorded. |
## Explanation of Other Columns Are As Follows
|CreatedTime|The date and time the log was recorded. |
|SysLogId|The unique ID of the log. |
|Ver|The version of the log, but not used. |
## <Log type>
|SysLogType|Log type|
## <Log column>
|OnAzure|When running on Azure WebApp, 1 is recorded. |
|MachineName|The host name of the Pleasanter web server is recorded. |
|ServiceName|The service name "Implem.Pleasanter" is recorded. |
|TenantName|The tenant name in a multi-tenant environment is recorded. Not applicable in general environments. |
|Application|The project name of the application that is outputting the log. |
|Class|The name of the controller requested by the user is recorded. (This is part of the URL.) |
|Method|The name of the action requested by the user is recorded. (This is part of the URL.) |
|RequestSize|The size of the POSTed data is recorded. |
|ResponseSize|The size of the data returned from the server is recorded. |
|Elapsed|The time (in milliseconds) required for each request on the server side is recorded. |
|ApplicationAge|The time (in milliseconds) elapsed since the application started. |
|ApplicationRequestInterval|The interval (in milliseconds) since the previous request is recorded. |
|SessionAge|The time (in milliseconds) elapsed since the session started. |
|SessionRequestInterval|The interval (in milliseconds) since the previous request of the same session is recorded. |
|WorkingSet64|The amount of physical memory (in bytes) allocated to the process is recorded. |
|VirtualMemorySize64|The amount of virtual memory (in bytes) allocated to the process is recorded. |
|ProcessId|The process ID is recorded. |
|ProcessName|The process name is recorded. |
|BasePriority|The base priority of the process is recorded. |
|UserLanguage|The user's language is recorded. |
|UserAgent|The user's browser is recorded. |
|SessionGuid|The GUID used to identify the session is recorded. |
|ErrMessage|The message when an error occurs is recorded. |
|ErrStackTrace|The stack trace when an error occurs is recorded. |
|IsDebug|When debugging is performed in the development environment, 1 is recorded. |
|AssemblyVersion|The version of Pleasanter is recorded. |
|Comments|If ClientId in "SysLogs.json" is set to true, ClientId is recorded when logging in and out. |
|UpdatedTime|The date and time when the log was updated is recorded. |
## About The Extension Columns
The columns added by the "「System Log Extended Function」" are as follows.
|Api|If the request is from the API, "1" is recorded, otherwise "0" is recorded. |
|SiteId|Records the "site ID" of the reference. |
|ReferenceId|Records the "site ID" if the reference is a table, or the "record ID" if it is a record. |
|ReferenceType|Records "Sites", "Issues", "Results", or "Wikis" according to the reference type. |
|Status|Records the status code. |
|Description|Records "Class name.method name:line line number:message displayed on screen" in the source code. |
## Related Information
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