User Manual



FAQ: What to check if modified configuration files or API requests (JSON format) are not recognized correctly

## Answer Please check the JSON syntax. --- ## Check The Description Rules |Things to check|Incorrect example|Correct example| | - | - | - | |Check whether the {} (curly brackets) are consistent|{"key": "value"|{'key': "value"}| |Check whether they are enclosed in single quotation marks|{'key': "value"}|{"key": "value"}| |Check whether they are separated by semicolons|{'key'; "value"}|{"key": "value"}| |Check whether full-width spaces are included|{"key": "value" }|{"key": "value" }| |Check whether a comma (,) is used as a separator|{"key1": "value1" "key2": "value2" }|{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }| ## Check The Type to be Set No errors will be detected as JSON syntax, but if you set a value of a different type, the same result as a syntax error will be returned. |Type|Incorrect example|Correct example| | - | - | - | |Numerical value|"NumA": "0"|"NumA": 0| |Character|"ClassA": 3|"ClassA": "3"| |Boolean value|"CheckA": "true"|"CheckA": true| |Date|"DateA": 2019/01/01|"DateA": "2019/01/01"| ## Escaping Special Symbols | Escape notation | Original character | Description | | :----: | ---- | ---- | | `\"` | " | Double quotation mark | | `\\` | \ | Backslash | | `\/` | / | Forward slash | | `\n` | | Line break | | `\t` | | Tab | When specifying a URL or path, escape processing is required as follows. ``` "http:\/\/" "C:\\files\\image" ``` ※The display of the Yen symbol (¥) and backslash will vary depending on the environment. ## Syntax Check If you search for a JSON syntax checker on a search site, you will find many services that will detect errors in the content of the JSON statement you created, so it is useful to use them.
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