FAQ: I want to periodically synchronize Active Directory user information with .NET Core version (Linux) Presenter
**In Pleasanter version and later, you can set the LDAP synchronization process to run at a fixed time every day by setting SyncByLdap to true in the configuration file "[BackgroundService.json](/en/manual/background-service-json)". This FAQ is for Pleasanter versions prior to 1.3.18.**
## Answer
Execute "SyncByLdap.py" in the Tools folder periodically using cron.
## Overview
If you want to execute LDAP synchronization periodically, execute "SyncByLdap.py" in the Tools folder periodically using cron.
## Operation Procedure
1. Set the following in advance.
1. Refer to "Linking Pleasanter with Active Directory" and set the parameters.
1. Install pyhton3.
1. If you installed Pleasanter according to the procedure in the manual, "SyncByLdap.py" is already placed under the /web/pleasanter/Tools folder, so proceed to step 6.
1. If the above file does not exist, please carry out steps 4 and 5 below.
1. Download Pleasanter.
1. Copy "Tools/SyncByLdap.py" in the downloaded zip file to any directory.
1. Open "SyncByLdap.py" in an editor and modify the URL specification part [http://localhost/pleasanter] to suit your environment.
1. Set up cron. The following is an example of setting up the root user cron to run the LDAP synchronization process at 2 a.m.
# crontab -e
0 2 * * * python3 /web/pleasanter/Tools/SyncByLdap.py