FAQ: I want to make sure to enter a comment when updating
## Answer
Use a combination of "[Process](/en/manual/advanced-operations-process)" and "[Automatic Version Upgrade](/en/manual/table-management-auto-version-up)".
### Process
1. Use "「Description Column」" as the comment input field instead of "「Comment Column」" and check "[Input Required](/en/manual/table-management-required)" in "[Input Validation](/en/manual/table-management-validation)".
1. Use "「Description Column」" as the comment history to leave the registered comment, and enter the setting to copy the value from the comment input field to the comment history field in "Change Data".
1. Set the execution type to "Create or Update" to replace the normal "Register" and "Update" buttons.
### Automatic Version Up
1. Set to "Always".
## Overview
Instead of the "「Comment Column」" of a table that does not have mandatory controls, we will introduce an example of using two description column to perform mandatory controls when updating.
## Expected Use Case
Pleasanter has a function to list changed column in the notification function.
However, it is expected that it may be difficult to visualize the overview when there are many management columns or when the contents of attachments have been changed.
In applications where you want to get an overview of the changes, it is effective to ask for a comment on the purpose of the change.
On the other hand, the "「Comment Column」" in the system does not have mandatory controls, so the approach shown in this example is effective in cases where you want to require comments on changes.
## Column And Settings Used
- Column used
- The first is the "edit content", which performs mandatory controls and functions as an input field that requires input every time.
- The second is used as the "edit history" to retain input.
- Process functions used
- The "edit content" is transcribed into the "edit history" every time the update button is pressed.
- Also, the person who pressed the update button
- The "edit content" is cleared.
- Clearing it allows you to activate the mandatory controls every time.
Although it is optional, in the following example, class columns and date columns are used to automatically record information about the updater and the update date and time.
## Set Column
### "Editing Content" Column

Check "[Required](/en/manual/table-management-required)" to require input when creating and updating.
In this example, "Description A" is used. You can also use "[Content](/en/manual/table-management-body)" or "Classification" type columns that do not have options.
### "Editing History" Column

Check read-only. This column is not intended for editing by users.
To keep a history, it must be a multi-line column. You can also use "[Content](/en/manual/table-management-body)" if it is not being used elsewhere.
### "「Owner」" column
This is an optional setting.
The "「Owner」" column is used to record the person who updated the column in the history.

Read-only to set the user automatically. In this example, check "Hide" to clear immediately.
You can also leave the last updated user. In this case, do not leave the assignee field blank in the process settings.
### "Edit Time" Column
Optional Setting.
Use the "DateA" column to record the update time in the history.

Read-only and hidden.
The user does not enter anything, the update date is set by the process and cleared immediately.
Set the format according to the granularity of the time you want to keep in the history.
## Process settings
Set one rule.

### General

Name and name displayed should be names that express the function.
The name displayed will be the button caption when adding a button. In this example, it has no special meaning.
Leave the screen type as edit, set the current status, and change the status to "*".
This is because it will operate regardless of the situation and will not change the status.
Describe the function you want to achieve as a description.
It is not a functional requirement.
Set the execution type to "Create or update". This is the setting when activating with the existing "Create" and "Update" buttons.
### Data Change

- IDs 1 and 2 are settings for automatically setting the operating user and operation time.
- ID 3 adds the owner, editing time, and editing content to the editing history. You can transcribe data columns by using square brackets. You can also add by including the column itself. Please also refer to the image below.

- ID 4 clears the editing content. You can clear it by setting the change type to "Value input" and leaving the value blank. This clears the input, and the required control can be applied again the next time you input.
- For IDs 5 and 6, the information on the operating user and operation time is cleared and not inherited. If you want to keep the meaning of the updater and update date and time, you can delete this setting.
## Example Of Operation
The state in which the required control is applied when creating and updating and then performing the next update is shown in the figure below.

In this example, [Automatic version upgrader](https://pleasanter.org/manual/table-management-auto-version-up) is set to "Always", so it is associated with "Edit history" as follows. You can check the "[Change History](/en/manual/table-record-history-view)".

## Related Information
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