User Manual



Group Management Function: Import/export

## Overview This function allows you to input and output group information from the "Group Management" screen as a CSV file. You can perform initial registration of current groups in bulk and obtain group information in bulk. Shift-JIS or UTF-8 can be used as the character code for the CSV file. For the contents of the CSV file, see the "CSV File Item Name" section below. ## Import ### Limitations 1. As with importing a normal table, a header record is required. 1. Groups cannot be deleted. 1. Group members cannot be deleted individually. If you check "Delete members before importing" in the procedure below and perform an import, all members of the group that match the group ID in the CSV file will be deleted before the import is performed. 1. When adding multiple members to a group, please set the same values ​​for items other than "Member Type", "Member Key", "Member Name", and "Member is an Administrator". 1. When adding multiple members to a new group, if the "Group name" is the same, they will be members of the same group. 1. When adding a new group, the user who performed the import will be added as a member. #### Access Restrictions with [Security.json](/en/manual/security-json) [Security.json](/en/manual/security-json) has a function that allows access to Pleasanter on an organizational unit by setting "AllowIpAddresses" and "IpRestrictionExcludeMembers" together. If you are using this function to enable access to an organizational unit, please note that deleting/disabling a department/deleting a user who belongs to it will prevent the user from accessing Pleasanter. Suppose a user with important administrative privileges such as a tenant administrator can no longer access Pleasanter. In that case, it may be necessary to change the device's IP address or reconfigure [Security.json](/en/manual/security-json). *If you have not restricted access by IP address using "AllowIpAddresses" in [Security.json](/en/manual/security-json), you do not need to consider the above restrictions. ### Preparation Please check the character code in advance. If the names of the table items and headers in the CSV to be imported do not match exactly, the items will be ignored, so please add a header (the name of each item) to the first record of the CSV. For details on item names, please refer to "CSV File Item Name" below. ### Items that can be imported The items that can be imported in CSV when creating or updating are as follows. Items marked with × will be ignored even if they are listed in the CSV. |Item|New|Update| |:----|:----|:----| |Group ID|× *1|× *2| |Group Name|〇|〇| |Description|〇|〇| |Comment|〇|〇| |Invalid *3|〇|〇| |Creator|×|×| |Updater|×|×| |Updated Datetime|×|×| |Member Type|〇|〇| |Member Key|〇|〇| |Member Name|×|×| |Member is an Administrator|〇|〇| *1 If the corresponding ID does not exist, it will be created as a new one and ignored when creating a new one. *2 When updating, it will be treated as an import key. *3 Please check "Access Restrictions with [Security.json](/en/manual/security-json)" in the restrictions. ### Procedure 1. Click the "Import" button at the bottom of the screen on the "Group Management" screen. 1. Click the "Select file" button in the CSV file field and select the CSV file to import. 1. Select the character code of the CSV file to import. 1. If you check the checkbox "Delete members before importing", all members of groups that match the group ID in the CSV file will be deleted before importing. 1. Click the "[Import](/en/manual/site-package-import)" button. When the message "XX group added, XX updated. XX group members added, XX updated" appears at the bottom of the screen, the process is complete. The number of group member updates is counted if the CSV file has a "Member is an Administrator" column. ## Export ### Limitations - Unlike exporting a list of tables, exporting the "Group Management" screen targets all data regardless of whether the checkbox is selected or not. - If a group does not contain any members, the fields "Member Type", "Member Key", "Member Name", and "Member is Administrator" will be empty. - If a group contains multiple members, the fields for that group other than "Member Type", "Member Key", "Member Name", and "Member is Administrator" will be exported with duplicate values. ### Procedure 1. Click the "[Export](/en/manual/table-record-export)" button at the bottom of the screen in "Group Management". 1. The export dialog box will be displayed. Select the format and character code. (Only the "Standard" format can be selected. Character code can be Shift-JIS or UTF-8.) 1. The file will be downloaded. For the items to be exported, please refer to the "CSV File Item Name" below. ### CSV File Item Name |Item name (exported column name)|Description| |:----|:----| |Group ID|Group ID. A unique number is automatically generated. | |Group Name|Name of the group. | |Description|Field to fill in the supplemental description. | |Comment|Contents of the group comment field. | |Disabled|"1" if the group is disabled. | |Creator|Creator of the group. | |Updater|Field for updating the group. | |Updated Datetime|Datetime of the group update. | |Member Type|Type of member. "User" or "Dept". | |Member Key|Identifier of the member. Login ID for member type "User", department code for "Dept". | |Member Name|Name of group member. Username or organization name. | |Member is an Administrator|Whether the member is a group admin. "True" or "False". |
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