User Manual



Developer Function: Script: $p.getField

## Overview This method retrieves the Field from the target item name. Use this when you want to show/hide the target item by label. ## Syntax ##### JavaScript ``` $p.getField('Name of the field') ``` ## Usage Example Check the box to turn the item on or off. (1) Set the following sample code to the Pleasanter script and set the output destination to "Edit", then enable the Check A and Classification A items from the Editor tab. (2) On the editing screen, switch check item A ON/OFF. ##### JavaScript ``` $ = function () { $p.on('change', 'CheckA', function () { let classAField = $p.getField('ClassA')[0].id; document.getElementById($p.tableName() + '_CheckA').checked ? $('#' + classAField).hide() : $('#' + classAField).show() }); } ```
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