User Manual



Table function: Display record analysis chart

## Overview Displays the records stored in the table in the form of an analysis chart. ## Prerequisites * Read permission is required. ## Operation Procedure 1. Open the table list screen. 2. From the navigation menu, click "View" - "[Analysis Chart](/en/manual/table-management-analy)". 3. Click the Add button. ![image]( 4. In the analysis part dialog screen, specify the creation conditions. ![image]( ### Analysis parts (creation conditions) | No | Item | Description | |:---|:---|:---| | 1 | Column | Specify the items to be grouped in the pie chart from "「Status」", "Manager", "Owner", "Classification A (classification item with enabled options), etc.", "Created by", or "Updated by". | | 2 | Value (left: number) | Specify the number to be used as the aggregation time. | | 3 | Value (right: period) | Select the period to be used as the aggregation time from "Days ago", "Months ago", "Years ago", "Hours ago", "Minutes ago", or "Seconds ago". | | 4 | Aggregation type | Select how to aggregate from "Number", "Total", "Average", "Maximum", or "Minimum". | | 5 | Aggregation target | Select what to aggregate from "Work volume", "Remaining work volume", "Number A (enabled numeric item), etc." | 5. Click the Add button. ![image]( 6. A pie chart will be added. ![image]( 7. If you want to delete a pie chart, hover the mouse over it and click the × button that appears. ![image]( 8. It is possible to display multiple pie charts, with labels with the same name displayed in the same color for easy comparison. ![image]( 9. If the corresponding data does not exist, an error message will be displayed. ![image]( ## Example Of Use If you have the following records ![image]( #### To Count The Number Of Cases By Status 1. In the analysis part dialog screen, specify "「Status」" as the item and "Count" as the aggregation type. 2. The graph will be displayed as shown below. ![image]( #### To aggregate the total of numerical value A by status 1. In the analysis part dialog screen, specify "「Status」" as the item, "Sum" as the aggregation type, and "Numeric A" as the aggregation target. 2. The graph will be displayed as shown below. ![image]( ## About The Display Color Of The Pie Chart In The Analysis Chart The display colors of the pie charts in the analysis charts use the color sets available in the JavaScript library "D3.js." Different color sets are used depending on the number of items displayed, making the charts easily distinguishable. |Number of items|Color set|d3-scale name| |:---|:---|:---| |Less than 10 items|10-color color set|d3.schemeCategory10| |More than 11 items|20-color color set|d3.interpolateRainbow| The 20-color set will look like the image below. ![image]( ### Reference URL ## Analysis Chart Settings You can change the settings of the analysis chart. This operation requires site administration privileges. 1. Open the target table. 2. From the "Manage" menu, click "「Manage Tables」". 3. Open the "[Analysis Chart](/en/manual/table-management-analy)" tab. 4. Configure the settings according to the table below. |Item name|Description|Setting method| |:---|:---|:---| |Enabled|Set to Enable/Disable the analysis chart|Check to enable the analysis chart| 5. Click the "Update" button at the bottom of the screen. ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-analy">Table Management: Analysis Chart</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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