User Manual



User Management Function: Privileged User Settings

## Overview The "Privileged User" is a special user who has all the permissions for all resources, regardless of the permission settings of Pleasanter. The "privileged user" must be set in the "parameter file" and "[Security.json](/en/manual/security-json)". There is no "Privileged User" immediately after installing Pleasanter. The "Administrator" that exists immediately after installing Pleasanter has "[Tenant Administrator](/en/manual/user-management-tenant-manager)" permissions, but is not a "Privileged User". ## Permissions That Only Privileged Users Have ・Can access sites that they do not have access to ・Can switch users ・Can operate the top trash can ・Can display system logs ・Can unlock tables that they have not locked ・Can unlock records that they have not locked ・Can approve users when using the user invitation function ・Display DB usage on the version management screen ・Reload information under the Parameters folder without restarting Pleasanter ・Setting background server scripts ## Limitations 1. Pleasanter must be restarted to perform this setting. ## Prerequisites 1. You must be able to log in to the server to perform this setting. ## Operation Procedure 1. Log in to the server where Pleasanter is running. 1. Open the directory (\App_Data\Parameters) where Pleasanter's parameter file is stored and open "[Security.json](/en/manual/security-json)" with Notepad or similar. 1. Specify the login ID of the target user in an array format in "PrivilegedUsers". 1. Save the file and restart Pleasanter. ##### JSON ``` { "PrivilegedUsers": ["Administrator", "AdminUser1", "AdminUser2"] } ```
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