FAQ: How to adjust the column width on the screen index
## Answer
Use "[Style](/en/manual/table-management-style)".
## Overview
You can change the column width of the screen index to a specified width using the style function.
## Setup procedure
1. Open the target table.
2. Click "Manage" → "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)".
3. Open the "[Style](/en/manual/table-management-style)" tab.
4. Click the "+ Create New" button to display the dialog.
5. Enter a title of your choice, such as "Adjust column width on screen index".
6. Enter a style to adjust the column width in Style.
7. Uncheck "All" for the output destination and check "「Index」".
8. Click the Change button in the dialog.
9. Click the Update button at the bottom of the screen.
10. Open the screen index of the target table and check the column width.
## Style Example
This is a style that adjusts the width of the title/content column to "100px".
##### CSS
[data-name="TitleBody"] {
width: 100px;
.grid-title-body {
* The "TitleBody" part specifies the data-name name of the th element. When adjusting the width of other columns, replace it with the respective data-name name.
* For multi-line text columns such as "Title/Body", "[Body](/en/manual/table-management-body)", and "「Description Column」", the "grid-title-body" class specifies a minimum width of 200px by default. If you want to set the column width to less than 200px, specify this minimum value.