User Manual



FAQ: I want to be able to view only the records I created, or the records created by the groups or organizations I belong to.

## Answer Grant access permissions in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)" and "[Record Access Control](/en/manual/table-record-access-control)". --- ## Notes If you have a large number of records and you uncheck "Read" in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)" and check "Read" in "[Record Access Control](/en/manual/table-record-access-control)", this may lead to a decrease in performance, so we do not recommend it for large-scale projects. ## Overview Regarding record access permissions, if access is permitted in either "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)" or "[Record Access Control](/en/manual/table-record-access-control)", you can access the records. ### 1. If you set only site access control If you set access control with "Read" checked for User 1 in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)", User 1 will be able to view all records regardless of the setting of "[Record Access Control](/en/manual/table-record-access-control)". |Pattern|Read|Create|Update|Delete|Email|Export|Import|Manage Site|Manage Permissions| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |Site Access Control|〇|〇|〇|〇|〇||||| |Record Access Control|||||||||| |Behavior|Can view all records|Can create new records|Can update all records|Can delete all records|Can email all records|||||| ### 2. When site access control and record access control are combined If you uncheck "Read" in "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)" for User 1, User 1 can only view records for which "Read" access control is set in "[Record Access Control](/en/manual/table-record-access-control)". |Pattern|Read|Create|Update|Delete|Email|Export|Import|Manage Site|Manage Permissions| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |Site Access Control||〇|||||||| |Record Access Control|〇||〇|〇|〇||||| |Behavior|Can only view records that they created|Can create new records|Can only update records that they created|Can only delete records that they created|Can only send emails to records that they created|||||| ## How To Use In light of 1 and 2 above, to be able to "view only records that you created or records created by members of your organization or group," set it up as follows. 1. Select the table for which you want to set permissions and display the record list screen. 1. From the navigation menu, select [Management] - [Table Management] to display the table management screen. 1. After selecting the "[Site Access Control](/en/manual/basic-operations-access-control)" tab, set [Access rights inheritance] to "Do not inherit access rights," move yourself to the permission setting side, and check only "Create" in the detailed settings. →Because "Read" is unchecked, at this point you cannot view any records and can only create records. ![image]( 1. After selecting the "[Record Access Control](/en/manual/table-record-access-control)" tab, move the group to the current setting in the "Permissions when creating records" section and set the pattern to "Write" in the detailed settings. →The 「Record access control」 setting in table management is a function that automatically grants record access control (settings in the [Record access control] tab on the record editing screen) when creating or updating a record. By setting [Group], record access control is granted only to the group to which you belong. ![image]( 1. Perform the same operations as in 4 for the organization. After selecting the "[Record Access Control](/en/manual/table-record-access-control)" tab, move the organization to the current setting side in the "Permissions when creating records" section, and set the pattern to "Write" in the advanced settings. ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-record-access-control">Table Function: Record Access Control</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-site-access-control">Table Management: Access Control: Site Access Control</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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