Overview of Pleasanter
- Pleasanter Access Control10.09.2024 up
New feature summary
- ■ Introduction to Useful Recommended Functions09.30.2024 up
Version upgrade information
- Pleasanter Latest Update Information 10.01.2024 up
- Past Update Information for Pleasanter12.19.2024 up
Installation of Pleasanter
- Install Pleasanter on Azure AppService with serverless configuration01.30.2025 up
- Install Pleasanter on Windows Server 202210.10.2024 up
- Install Pleasanter on Windows Server 201910.10.2024 up
- Install Pleasanter on Windows Server 201608.13.2024 up
- Install Pleasanter on Windows 10/1108.13.2024 up
- Install Pleasanter on Windows10.01.2024 up
- Install Pleasanter on Ubuntu11.19.2024 up
- Install Pleasanter on CentOS10.01.2024 up
- プリザンターを AlmaLinux にインストールする01.16.2024 up
- Install Pleasanter on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 810.01.2024 up
- Install Pleasanter on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 910.01.2024 up
Start with Docker
- Launch with Docker08.13.2024 up
Enabling Windows features
- Enable Windows Function (Windows 10 / 11)10.01.2024 up
- Enable Windows Features (Windows Server 2016)01.30.2025 up
- Enable Windows Features (Windows Server 2019)01.30.2025 up
- Enable Windows Features (Windows Server 2022)01.30.2025 up
Installation of .NET
- .NETのインストール(Windows環境)05.23.2024 up
Installation of related software
- Install PostgreSQL (Windows OS)08.13.2024 up
- Install and Configure SQL Server 2017 Express10.01.2024 up
- Install and Configure SQL Server 2019 Express01.30.2025 up
- Install and Configure SQL Server 2022 Express08.13.2024 up
- Install SQL Server Management Studio10.01.2024 up
Version upgrade
- Pleasanter Version Upgrade Procedure (Azure App Service)10.01.2024 up
- プリザンターのバージョンアップ手順(Linux)01.16.2024 up
- Pleasanter Version Upgrade Procedure (Windows)08.13.2024 up
- Windows/Windows Serverにインストールした.netFramework版プリザンターをプリザンター 1.4へ移行する手順01.16.2024 up
- Windows/Windows Serverにインストールしたプリザンター 1.3をプリザンター 1.4へ移行する手順01.16.2024 up
- Ubuntuにインストールしたプリザンター 1.3をプリザンター 1.4へ移行する手順01.16.2024 up
- Migration Procedure from Previous Pleasanter (.NET Core version) Built on CentOS to Pleasanter 1.3 or Later01.30.2025 up
- Migration Procedure from Pleasanter's DB from SQL Server to PostgreSQL08.13.2024 up
- Change to Default API Version 1.1 and Compatibility with Previous Versions12.19.2024 up
- Migration Procedure from Pleasanter's Database (SQL Server) to Different Environments08.13.2024 up
Parameter settings
- Set Parameter: Confirmation When Changing Parameters08.13.2024 up
- About the Change of Parameter Names DeleteSysLogs and DeleteSysLogsTime in the BackgroundService.json Configuration File10.01.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Api.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Authentication.json10.01.2024 up
- Set Parameter: BackgroundService.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: BackgroundTask.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: BinaryStorage.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: CustomApps.json12.23.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Dashboard.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Deleted.json08.13.2024 up
- パラメータ設定:General.json06.12.2024 up
- Set Parameter: History.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Locations.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Mail.json10.01.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Migration.json10.04.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Mobile.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: NavigationMenus.json10.01.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Notification.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Permissions.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Rds.json10.24.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Registration.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Reminder.json10.07.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Script.json10.02.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Search.json10.02.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Security.json10.02.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Service.json10.10.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Session.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Site.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: SitePackage.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: SysLog.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: User.json08.13.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Validation.json10.02.2024 up
- Set Parameter: Version.json08.13.2024 up
Additional settings
- Set Up to Send Notifications to Chatwork10.04.2024 up
- Set up to send notifications using HTTP Client08.13.2024 up
- Pre-configuration for uploading files larger than 100MB in IIS10.16.2024 up
- Pre-configuration for uploading files larger than 30MB in IIS08.13.2024 up
- Set Up to Send Notifications to InCircle10.04.2024 up
- Set Up to Send Notifications to LINE10.02.2024 up
- How to set default file size in Linux08.13.2024 up
- Set Up to Send Notifications to Microsoft Teams10.02.2024 up
- Set Up to Send Notifications to Rocket.Chat10.02.2024 up
- Set Up to Send Notifications to Slack10.02.2024 up
- Enable 2-step authentication with TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password)01.30.2025 up
- Setup single sign-on to Pleasanter using Windows authentication08.13.2024 up
- Set Up To Send Emails From Pleasanter08.13.2024 up
- Use SAML authentication in Pleasanter10.04.2024 up
- Integrate Pleasanter with Active Directory10.01.2024 up
- Synchronize Active Directory User Information to Pleasanter08.13.2024 up
- Back Up The Database (SQL Server) in Pleasanter08.13.2024 up
- Enable The Reminder Function of Pleasanter08.13.2024 up
- Enable 2-step Authentication by Email01.30.2025 up
Operation Guide (Basic Edition)
- Screen Layout and How to View12.19.2024 up
- Basic Operation Guide Table of Contents08.13.2024 up
- Create a folder08.13.2024 up
- Create a table08.13.2024 up
- Create a record08.13.2024 up
- Import a Record10.07.2024 up
- View a Record10.07.2024 up
- Update Records10.07.2024 up
- Delete Record10.01.2024 up
- Add Columns to The Editing Screen10.01.2024 up
- Add Columns to Remaining Work Volume10.09.2024 up
- Create a user08.13.2024 up
- Create an organization08.13.2024 up
- Set A Department For A User10.01.2024 up
- Create a Group10.01.2024 up
- Add Group Members08.13.2024 up
- Site Access Control10.01.2024 up
- Create a dashboard10.01.2024 up
- English View05.30.2024 up
- Add Child Group10.01.2024 up
Site functions
- Site Function10.07.2024 up
- Site Function: Delete Site12.19.2024 up
- Site Function: Create A New Site12.19.2024 up
- Site Function: Site Sorting08.13.2024 up
- Site Function: Site Move08.13.2024 up
- Site Function: Site Copy10.02.2024 up
- Site Function: Delete Site from Recycle Bin12.19.2024 up
- Site Function: Restore Site From Recycle Bin10.11.2024 up
- Site Function: View And Change Site Settings12.19.2024 up
- Site Function: Guide Settings08.13.2024 up
- Site Function: Set and Delete Site Images10.11.2024 up
- Site Function: Access Control01.30.2025 up
- Site Function: Access Control: Do Not Display On Screen If Read-Only08.13.2024 up
Folder function
- Folder function08.13.2024 up
Custom App Funtion
- Custom App Funtion: Custom App12.23.2024 up
- Custom App Function: Register Custom App12.23.2024 up
- Custom App Function: Edit Custom App12.23.2024 up
Site Package Funtion
- Site function: Import Site Package02.06.2025 up
- Site Function: Export Site Package10.02.2024 up
Table function
- Table Function08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Record Screen Index10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Search for Negated Record (Filter)10.07.2024 up
- Table Function: Search for Record (Filter)10.16.2024 up
- Table Function: Sort Records (Sort)10.07.2024 up
- Table Function: Record Aggregation10.07.2024 up
- Table Function: Switch Record Views10.16.2024 up
- Table Function: Record Editor Screen10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Create A New Record10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: View And Update Records08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Record Bulk Update08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Edit A List Of Records08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Import Record02.06.2025 up
- Table Function: Specify Key Column When Importing10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Import Records and Link Master Data02.06.2025 up
- Table Function: Updating Existing Records By Importing Records08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: What To Check If Records Are Not Imported Properly08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Export Records08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Own Filter For Owner, Manager, and Class Columns10.07.2024 up
- Table Function: View Record Change History08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Restore From Record Change History08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Delete Record Change History10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Delete Record08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Bulk Delete Records08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Restore Records From The Trash08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Delete Records From Trash08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Copy Records08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Record Reference Copy10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Divide Records10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Move Records10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Move Records In Bulk10.07.2024 up
- Table Function: Lock Record08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Unlock A Record08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Upload Attachment To Record08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Download Record Attachments08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Delete Record Attachment10.11.2024 up
- Table Function: Register Image to Record08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Calendar Display of Records08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Cross-tabulation Display of Records10.07.2024 up
- Table Function: Display Gantt Chart of Records10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Display Burndown Chart Of Records10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Display A Time Series Chart Of Records10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Kanban Display of Records10.02.2024 up
- Table Function: Record Access Control08.13.2024 up
- Table Function: Site Integration10.07.2024 up
- Table Function: Display Record Analysis Chart10.02.2024 up
Table management
- Manage Table10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Import02.06.2025 up
- Manage Table: Column10.07.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: ID08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Version08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Title08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Body08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Start10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Complete08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Workload08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Progression Rate10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Remaining Work Volume10.11.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Status10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Manager10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Owner10.11.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Lock08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Classification08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Numerical Value10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Date08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Description08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Check 08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Attachment08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Comment08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Creator10.11.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Updater10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Item: Created Datetime08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Column: Update Datetime10.11.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Automatic Numbering08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor08.13.2024 up
- テーブルの管理:エディタ:エディタの項目の設定04.09.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Advanced Settings for Other Columns10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Display Name08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Alignment08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Maximum Number of Characters10.08.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Input Item Style08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Viewer Switching Test10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Input Required08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Editor Format08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Time Interval (Minutes)08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Allow Bulk Update10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: No Duplicates08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Duplicate Message08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Copy with Default Value10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Import Key08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Input Guide10.29.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Read-only08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Default Value10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Format08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Nullable08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Anchor08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Unit08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Decimal Places10.11.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Rounding Type08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Control Type (Classification)01.31.2025 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Control Type (Numerical Value)01.21.2025 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Min, Max, Step08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Storage Destination08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Allow Delete Attachment08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Overwrite File with Same Name08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Do Not Delete Files in History08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: File Count Limit08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Capacity Limit (MB)08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Total Capacity Limit (MB)08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Local Folder Capacity Limit (MB)10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Details: Local Folder Total Capacity Limit (MB)08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Description08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Option List01.15.2025 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Option List: Link10.11.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Option List: Departments08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Option List: Group02.07.2025 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Option List: User08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Option List: Filter, Sort, Display Format10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Option List: Filter (narrow the option list by the value of other columns)10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Choice List: Lookup08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Option List: Copy Child Records Simultaneously When Copying10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Option List: Delete Child Records Simultaneously When Deleting10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Choice List: Set Parent Record Values for Specific Items when Creating Child Records08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Use Search function08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Multiple Selection10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Do Not Insert Blanks in Option10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Auto Postback08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Items to Return on Auto Postback08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: No Wraparound08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Hidden08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Field CSS08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Control CSS08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Editor: Item Detail settings: Full Text Type08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Input Validation10.11.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Thumbnail Size10.29.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Title Combination10.11.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Extended HTML10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Allow Record Locking10.29.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Relating Column10.11.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Automatic Version Upgrade10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Allow Comment Editing10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Allow Copy10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Allow Reference Copy01.30.2025 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Characters to Add When Copying10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Allow Dividing10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Allow Table Locking10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Hide Link10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Use Ajax for Record Transitions10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Delete Image on Delete01.30.2025 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Option List: Login User Settings Button10.08.2024 up
- Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Option List: Department Settings Button10.08.2024 up
List screen
- Table Management: List Screen08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: List Screen: Screen Index Column Settings10.07.2024 up
- Manage Table: Screen Index: Column Advanced Settings10.11.2024 up
- Table Management: List Screen: Item Detail Settings: Display Name on List Screen08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Screen Index: Column Advanced Settings: Index Format10.11.2024 up
- テーブルの管理:一覧画面:項目の詳細設定:セルCSS05.12.2023 up
- Table Management: List Screen: Item Detail Settings: Use Custom Design08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: List Screen: Number of Items Displayed per Page08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Screen Index: Default View10.11.2024 up
- Manage Table: Screen Index: Allow View Reset10.07.2024 up
- Manage Table: Screen Index: Index Edit Type10.07.2024 up
- Manage Table: Screen Index: Display History on the Index10.07.2024 up
- Table Management: List screen: Always Request Search Conditions08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Screen Index: Bulk Update of Multiple Columns10.11.2024 up
- Manage Table: Screen Index: Disable Link to Edit Screen10.11.2024 up
- Manage Table: Aggregation10.29.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Filter: Check Item Filter Control Type08.13.2024 up
- テーブルの管理:フィルタ:数値項目フィルタのモード選択06.03.2024 up
- Table Management: Filter: Minimum, Maximum, Step for Numerical Item Filter08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Date Column Filter Mode Selection10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Date Column Filter Min, Max, Year, Half Year, Quarter, Month10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Search Type10.02.2024 up
- Table Management: Filter: Days Before and After "Due Soon"08.13.2024 up
- Tables Management: Filter: Use Filter Button08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Use Filters Area10.08.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Use Negative Filters10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Use Near Time Of Completion Filter10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Use Overdue Filter01.30.2025 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Use Incomplete Filter10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Use Search Filter10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Use Own Filter10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Use Delay Filter10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Use Filter On Grid Header10.02.2024 up
- Manage Table: Filter: Relating Column01.21.2025 up
Site image
- Manage Table: Site Image10.08.2024 up
- Manage Table: Link10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: History10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: Move10.03.2024 up
- Table Management: Summary08.13.2024 up
Calculation formula
- Manage Table: Formula10.03.2024 up
- テーブルの管理:計算式(既定)12.11.2023 up
- Manage Table: Formula (Extended)10.03.2024 up
- Logical Expression Used in Formula (Extended) Function08.13.2024 up
- Formula (Extended) Function List08.13.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $DATE Function08.13.2024 up
- 計算式(拡張):$DATEDIF関数06.07.2024 up
- 計算式(拡張):$DATETIME関数06.07.2024 up
- 計算式(拡張):$DAY関数12.11.2023 up
- Formula (Extended): $DAYS Function08.13.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $EOMONTH Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $HOUR Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $MINUTE Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $MONTH Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $NOW Function08.13.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $SECOND Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $TODAY Function08.13.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $WEEKDAY Function10.03.2024 up
- 計算式(拡張):$YEAR関数06.07.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ASC Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $CONCAT Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $FIND Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $JIS Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $LEFT Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $LEN Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Advanced): $LOWER Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $MID function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $REPLACE Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $RIGHT Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $SEARCH Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $SUBSTITUTE Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $TEXT Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $TRIM Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $UPPER Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $VALUE Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $AND Function10.03.2024 up
- 計算式(拡張):$IF関数06.12.2024 up
- Formula (Advanced): $IFERROR Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $IFS Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $NOT Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $OR Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ISBLANK Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ISERROR Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ISEVEN Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ISNUMBER Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ISODD Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ISTEXT Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ABS Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $MOD Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $POWER Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $RAND Function08.13.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ROUND function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ROUNDDOWN Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $ROUNDUP Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $SQRT Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $TRUNC Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $AVERAGE Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $MAX Function10.03.2024 up
- Formula (Extended): $MIN Function10.03.2024 up
- テーブルの管理:プロセス06.07.2024 up
- Manage Table: View10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: View: Create New10.03.2024 up
- Table Management: View: Advanced Settings: Sorter Tab: Keep Sort State08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: View: Advanced Settings: Filters Tab: Keep Filter State10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: View: Advanced Settings: Index Tab: Index Settings10.03.2024 up
- Table Management: View: Advanced Settings: List tab: Filter And Aggregation Settings08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: View: Advanced Settings: Access Control Tab10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: View: Advanced Settings: Filters tab: Setting Filters10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: View: Advanced Settings: List Tab: Command Button Settings10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: View: Advanced Setting: Default Display10.03.2024 up
Situational control
- Manage Table: Control by Status10.03.2024 up
- テーブルの管理:通知05.24.2024 up
- テーブルの管理:リマインダー06.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: Export10.03.2024 up
- Manage Table: Export: Access Control Tab10.04.2024 up
- Manage Table: Export: Allow Standard Export10.03.2024 up
- Table Management: Search08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Search: Search Settings: Search Type08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Search: Search Settings: Disable Cross Search10.04.2024 up
- Table Management: Search: Full Text Settings08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Search: Full Text Settings: Include Breadcrumbs08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Search: Full Text Settings: Include Site ID08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Search: Full Text Settings: Include Site Title08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Search: Full Text Settings: Number Of Emails08.13.2024 up
- テーブルの管理:検索:操作:検索インデックスの再構築05.20.2024 up
- Manage Table: Email10.04.2024 up
Site integration
- Managing Table: Site Integration10.04.2024 up
- Table Management: HTML08.13.2024 up
- テーブルの管理:情報公開機能05.18.2023 up
View mode
- Table Management: Guide08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Calendar08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Crosstab02.06.2025 up
- Table Management: Gantt Chart08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Burndown Chart02.07.2025 up
- Table Management: Time Series Charts08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Kanban02.07.2025 up
- Table Management: Image Library08.13.2024 up
- Manage Table: Analysis Chart02.07.2025 up
Access control
- Manage Table: Access Control: Site Access Control02.06.2025 up
- Manage Table: Access Control: Record Access Control02.07.2025 up
- Table Management: Access Control: Item Access Control08.13.2024 up
Features for developers
- Table Management: Style08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Script08.13.2024 up
- Table Management: Server Script08.13.2024 up
Wiki function
- Wiki Function08.13.2024 up
- Wiki Function: Use as Master Data for Option List10.08.2024 up
Announcement function
- サービスのアナウンスを表示する06.21.2024 up
Tenant management function
- Tenant Management Function08.13.2024 up
- Tenant Management Function: Logo, Title, Logo Image10.08.2024 up
- Tenant Management Function: HTML Title10.08.2024 up
- Tenant Management Function: Background Server Script08.13.2024 up
System log management function
- System Log Management Function08.13.2024 up
- システムログの拡張機能07.07.2023 up
Organization management function
- Department Management Function08.13.2024 up
- Department Management Function: Import/Export02.06.2025 up
- Department Management Function: Bulk Deletion08.13.2024 up
- Department Management Function: Restore from Trash08.13.2024 up
- Department Management Function: Delete from Trash08.13.2024 up
Group management function
- Group Management Function10.08.2024 up
- Group Management Function: Import/Export02.06.2025 up
- Group Management Function: Bulk deletion08.14.2024 up
- Group Management Function: Restore from Recycle Bin10.04.2024 up
- Group Management Function: Delete from Recycle Bin10.04.2024 up
User management function
- User Management Function01.30.2025 up
- User Management Function: Add An Email Address08.14.2024 up
- User Management Function: Customize User Interface Themes10.04.2024 up
- User Management Function: Tenant Administrator Settings08.14.2024 up
- User Management Function: Import/Export10.04.2024 up
- User Management Function: Multilingual Support10.04.2024 up
- User Management Function: Delete08.14.2024 up
- User Management Function: Bulk Delete08.14.2024 up
- User Management Function: Restore From Recycle Bin10.04.2024 up
- User Management Function: Delete from Recycle Bin10.08.2024 up
- User Management Function: Reset Password 08.14.2024 up
- User Management Function: Privileged User Settings08.14.2024 up
- User Management Function: Switch User10.04.2024 up
- User Management Function: Authentication08.14.2024 up
- User Management Function: Invite User08.14.2024 up
Common functions
- Common Feature: Add Comment08.14.2024 up
- Common Function: Markdown10.30.2024 up
- Common Feature: Email08.14.2024 up
- Common Function: Password10.08.2024 up
- Common Function: Cross Search08.14.2024 up
- Common Function: Copy URL with Filter12.23.2024 up
- Common Function: Tooltip Display When Selecting User Or Group08.14.2024 up
Dashboard features
- Dashboard Function12.19.2024 up
- Dashboard Function: Add Parts08.14.2024 up
- Dashboard Function: View Save Type08.14.2024 up
- Dashboard Function: Add Parts: Quick Access08.14.2024 up
- Dashboard Function: Add Parts: Calendar08.14.2024 up
- Dashboard Function: Add Parts: Kanban08.14.2024 up
- Dashboard Function: Add Parts: Timeline10.08.2024 up
- Dashboard Function: Add Parts: List08.14.2024 up
- Dashboard Function: Add Parts: Custom08.14.2024 up
- Dashboard Function: Add Parts: Custom HTML08.14.2024 up
Features for developers
- Developer Function08.14.2024 up
- Correspondence of Column name and Name in the system in the Database10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: API08.14.2024 up
- Developer Features: API: API URL08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Create an API Key08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Table Operation: Retrieve Single Record08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Table Operation: Retrieve Multiple Records08.14.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:API:テーブル操作:レコード作成08.16.2023 up
- 開発者向け機能:API:テーブル操作:レコード作成・更新08.16.2023 up
- 開発者向け機能:API:テーブル操作:レコード更新08.16.2023 up
- Developer Function: API: Table Operation: Delete Record08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Table Operation: Bulk Delete Record08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Table Operation: Retrieve Attachments10.01.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Table Operation: Export Table08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Table Operation: Import Record08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Group Operation: Import08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Group Operation: Create Group08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Group Operation: Delete Group08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Group Operation: Get Group10.01.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:API:グループ操作:グループ更新05.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Site Operation: Copy Site08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Site Operation: Create Site08.14.2024 up
- Developer Features: API: Site Operations: Delete Site08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Site Operation: Retrieve Site08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Site Operation: Update Site08.14.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:API:サイト操作:サイト設定の更新(部分追加/更新/削除)01.16.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Site Operation: Summary Sync08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Site Operation: Search Index Rebuild08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Email: Send Email10.08.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: User Operation: Import08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: User Operation: Create User08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: User Operation: Delete User08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: User Operation: Retrieve User (All)08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: User Operation: Retrieve User (Select)08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: User Operation: Update User08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Department Operation: Import08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Department Operation: Retrieve Department08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Deparment Operation: Create Deparment08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Department Operation: Delete Department10.01.2024 up
- Developer Function: API: Department Operation: Update Department10.01.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.action08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiCreate08.14.2024 up
- Developer Features: Script: $p.apiCreateSite08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiDelete08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiDeleteSite12.27.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiGet10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiGetSite08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiGroupsCreate12.27.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiGroupsDelete08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiGroupsGet10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiGroupsUpdate08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiSendMail08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUpdate08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUpdateSite10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUpsert08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUrl08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUsersCreate12.27.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUsersDelete08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUsersGet08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUsersUpdate10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.clearMessage08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.controller08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.deptId08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.after_send08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.after_set08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.after_validate08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.before_send08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.before_set08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.before_validate08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.on_analy_load08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.on_burndown_load08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.on_calendar_load08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.on_crosstab_load08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.on_editor_load08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.on_gantt_load08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.on_grid_load08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.on_kanban_load08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.events.on_timeseries_load08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.getColumnName08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.getControl08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.getField08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.getGridCell08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.getGridColumnIndex08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.getGridRow08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Scripts: $p.id08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.loginId08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.on08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.responsive08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.selectedIds08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.set08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.setMessage08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.siteId08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.tableName08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.userId08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Script: $p.userName08.14.2024 up
server script
- Developer Function: Server Script08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: Debug08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: Condition08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: Share Code08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: Include08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: context12.27.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: context.AddMessage10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: context.AddResponse08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: context.Error10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: context.Forms10.04.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:サーバスクリプト:context.Log06.21.2023 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: context.QueryStrings08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: context.Redirect10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: context.ResponseSet10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: context.UserData08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: siteSettings08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: siteSettings.Sections10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: siteSettings.SiteId10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: view10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: view.AddColumnPlaceholder10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: view.AlwaysGetColumns08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: view.ClearFilters10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: view.Filters08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: view.FiltersCleared08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: view.Id08.14.2024 up
- Developer Features: Server Script: view.OnSelectingWhere08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: view.SearchTypes10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: view.Sorters12.27.2024 up
- Developer Features: Server Script: view.FilterNegative10.11.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: grid10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: grid.SelectedIds08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: columns10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: columns.AddChoiceHash10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: columns.ClearChoiceHash10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: elements08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: elements.DisplayType10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: elements.LabelText10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Scripts: utilities08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: utilities.ConvertToBase64String12.27.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: utilities.Today08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: utilities.InRange10.04.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:サーバスクリプト:model08.22.2023 up
- Developer Features: Server Script: saved10.11.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Scripts: items08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.Average12.27.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.BulkDelete10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.Count10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.Create10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.Delete10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.Get01.30.2025 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.GetSite10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.GetSiteByGroupName10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.GetSiteByName10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.GetSiteByTitle10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.Max10.04.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:サーバスクリプト:items.Min06.22.2023 up
- Developer Function: Server Scripts: items.New08.14.2024 up
- Developer Features: Server Script: items.NewIssue08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.NewResult08.14.2024 up
- Developer Features: Server Script: items.NewSite10.04.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:サーバスクリプト:items.Sum06.22.2023 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.Update10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: items.Upsert12.27.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: apiModel08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: apiModel.Create10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: apiModel.Delete08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: apiModel.Update08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: users08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: user10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: depts08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: dept10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: dept.GetMembers08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: groups08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: group10.04.2024 up
- Developer Features: Server Script: group.GetChildren10.11.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: group.GetMembers08.14.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:サーバスクリプト:group.ContainsChild05.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: group.ContainsDept08.14.2024 up
- Developer Feature: Server Script: group.ContainsUser08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: groups.Update10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: groupMember10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: notifications08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: notifications.Get08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: notifications.New08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: notification10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: notification.Send08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: hidden08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: hidden.Add10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: httpClient10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: httpClient.Get08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: httpClient.Post10.04.2024 up
- Developer Features: Server Script: httpClient.Patch10.11.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: httpClient.Put10.04.2024 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: httpClient.Delete08.14.2024 up
- Developer Features: Server script: $p.JSON.stringify10.11.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:サーバスクリプト:extendedSql08.22.2023 up
- Developer Function: Server Script: responses.Reload08.14.2024 up
- Developer Features: Styles08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Extensions: Enhanced HTML08.14.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:拡張機能:拡張SQL10.01.2023 up
- Developer Function: Extensions: Extended SQL: Executing Extended SQL from the API11.26.2024 up
- Developer Function: Extensions: Extended Server Scripts12.27.2024 up
- Developer Function: Extensions: Extended Script08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: Extensions: Extended Style08.14.2024 up
- 開発者向け機能:拡張機能:拡張ナビゲーションメニュー05.21.2024 up
- Developer Function: Extensions: Extended Field10.01.2024 up
- Developer Function: Extension: Extended Item08.14.2024 up
JSON data layout
- Developer Function: JSON Data Layout: Item08.14.2024 up
- Developer Function: JSON Data Layout: Dept12.27.2024 up
- Developer Function: JSON Data Layout: Group10.01.2024 up
- Developer Function: JSON Data Layout: User10.01.2024 up
- Developer Function: JSON Data Layout: View01.06.2025 up
- Shortcut keys10.04.2024 up
Migration from other systems
- FAQ: I want to use the image and attachment features in Pleasanter.net08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to change the credit card registered with Pleasanter.net08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: About Pleasanter.net's SLA08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to change the password for my Pleasanter.net account10.04.2024 up
- FAQ: About Pleasanter.net security12.05.2024 up
- FAQ: How do I delete my Pleasanter.net user?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to cancel (cancel my membership) with Pleasanter.net.10.04.2024 up
- FAQ: I forgot my password and want to reset it (Pleasanter.net)08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to transfer apps and data created with the free plan to a paid plan10.04.2024 up
Operation Guide (Advanced Edition)
- 応用編:項目の種類08.07.2023 up
- Advanced Operation: View Mode01.15.2025 up
- Advanced Operation: Link01.15.2025 up
- Advanced Operation: Copy and Reference Copy10.08.2024 up
- Advanced Operation: Notification, Reminder10.01.2024 up
- Advanced Operation: View10.01.2024 up
- Advanced Operation: Process and Control by Status10.01.2024 up
- Advanced Operation: Script, Server Script, Style, Extensions01.15.2025 up
- Applied Section: Authentication01.30.2025 up
- Advanced Operation: Periodic Execution08.14.2024 up
FAQ: Login
FAQ: Top Site Menu
FAQ: Edit screen operation/settings
- FAQ: When I checked [Use Ajax for Record Transitions] or "Edit with dialog", the script stopped running10.01.2024 up
- FAQ: How do I use "Save as New Version"?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Changing the value of one field to a specific value changes the value of another field08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to control the visibility of command buttons08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: When linking multiple tables through site integration, the list of options is not displayed in the link column of the child table when the integrated table that combines multiple tables is used as the parent.10.04.2024 up
- FAQ:スクリプトでテキストボックスの値を設定して更新ボタンを押しても保存できない07.01.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to get the value of a read-only item using a script.08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Adding a button to a form08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to prevent input from being entered into another field depending on the user's input operation08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Using The Lookup Function to Obtain Organization, User, and Group Information10.11.2024 up
- FAQ: "?" appears at the beginning of the classification item value on the list screen or edit screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I get the ID of a record I created?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to set the width of the input form to any length08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to use user, department, and group options in class column10.01.2024 up
- FAQ:利用シーンにあわせた通知設定をしたい03.05.2024 up
- FAQ: Enabling multiple selection for an existing classification results in registered data being unselected01.30.2025 up
- FAQ: I want to create a new record in another table when I press the update button08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to make sure to enter a comment when updating01.15.2025 up
- FAQ: I want to hide a specific button08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I automatically delete my own records that have been completed?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Automatically specify the progression rate based on the status column value10.01.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to customize the options for the status column10.04.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to perform my own input validation and display a message based on the results08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I send an email with an attachment from the editing screen?10.04.2024 up
- FAQ: Script is not executed after pressing the update button on the edit screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to hide certain items on the editing screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Record movement button on edit screen is not displayed08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to automatically calculate age from birthdate when registering/updating the edit screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to be able to view only the records I created, or the records created by the groups or organizations I belong to.08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Applying the same style to multiple items08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to combine values from multiple items and automatically enter them into one item08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: When tables are linked as parent <- child <- grandchild, the summary results of the grandchild table are not reflected in the parent table08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to automatically reflect the total value of a numeric item in a child table in a parent table08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to transfer the value of a parent table item to a child table item08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Change the color of input fields depending on the selected content10.08.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to display only specific users in the selection list08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to set the label width of an item to a specific value08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to cut out part of a item value and transfer it to another item in the same record08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: What is the character limit for Items?08.14.2024 up
FAQ: List screen operations/settings
- FAQ: Even if you set the number of records to display per page, more records than the set number are displayed08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I customize the display items in the linked record list table?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to change the default view for each logged-in user08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to decorate the text of items that match a condition in an Index10.31.2024 up
- FAQ: How to change the cell color depending on the range of values in the list screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to adjust the width of the list screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to change the background color of a specific column on the list screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to adjust the column width on the screen index01.15.2025 up
- FAQ: How to adjust the row height on the list screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I enable filters without using a view when opening a list screen?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to enable a filter without using a view when opening a list screen (server script)08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to enable filters when I open the list screen10.09.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I sort the records displayed by department?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Checkboxes are not displayed in list view, so bulk update and bulk delete cannot be used08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to highlight locked records in list view10.09.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I turn off the alert for expired records in a table with a deadline?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to display items from parent and child tables on the list screen08.14.2024 up
FAQ: System management operations and settings
- FAQ: I want to add an original template08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to add an original template (ver. or earlier)08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I display the date of birth and gender when managing users?01.15.2025 up
- FAQ: How can I prevent access logs from a specific IP address from being recorded in the SysLogs table?08.14.2024 up
FAQ:Other screen operations/settings
- FAQ: How do I link to an external site by entering a URL or UNC path?01.15.2025 up
- FAQ: If you haven't operated the app for a while, it takes a long time to access the app for the first time.08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to change the table name08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to display the "Change Password" menu in the navigation menu08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: After resetting the password or when opening user management, the message "An invalid request was sent" appears.08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How do I write using Markdown?10.04.2024 up
- FAQ: When creating a new user, I want to set the same access rights as a specific user08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to duplicate multiple linked sites while maintaining the link relationships08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to change the logo image or title08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to output the entered data to a form and print it.08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I don't know how to create an app when using it for the first time10.04.2024 up
- FAQ: How to hide the command buttons at the bottom of the screen when printing08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Expressing a many-to-many relationship10.11.2024 up
- FAQ: What is the difference between a time-limited table and a record table?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: No Search Results08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to set the file attachment size limit for all tables at once, instead of for each table.08.14.2024 up
FAQ: Operating environment
- FAQ: Can I delete tables starting with _Migrated?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to periodically synchronize Active Directory user information with .NET Core version (Linux) Presenter08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: An error occurs when performing a cross-search in the .NET Core version08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Access to '...\pleasanter\App_Data\Temp\1E70...3C6.xlsm' is denied01.30.2025 up
- FAQ: How do I set up reminders when building a Pleasanter on Azure?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to migrate Pleasanter, which is running on PostgreSQL 14, to a PostgreSQL 15 environment.08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to install Pleasanter or earlier in a Linux environment with PostgreSQL version 14 or earlier.08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to check the SAML response attribute name to be set in Authentication.json in SAML authentication settings08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Search results containing the Chinese numeral zero are incorrect in a SQL Server environment08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to build a web server and a database server on separate servers.08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to install Pleasanter using Apache as my web server08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: What is the maximum number of sites that can be created and the maximum number of registered records?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ:プリザンターインストール後、ログイン画面にアクセスするとHTTP500エラーが発生し、ログイン画面が表示されない05.16.2024 up
- FAQ: The URL of the email sent from Pleasanter using SendGrid is too long10.04.2024 up
- FAQ:I want to know the supported languages and timezone parameter setting values in Pleasanter02.20.2025 up
- FAQ: I want to downgrade the version of Pleasanter08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to know the operating environment and recommended specifications for Pleasanter08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: If there are not enough items in Pleasanter (I want to increase the number of items to more than 26)08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: After installing Pleasanter, the screen turns blank and I can't operate it.01.30.2025 up
- FAQ:ロードバランサのバックエンドにプリザンターを導入したサーバが複数台ある環境で添付ファイルを正常にアップロード、登録することができない05.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Frequently asked questions about migrating from previous versions to Pleasanter 1.2 or later08.14.2024 up
FAQ: Backup
- FAQ: I want to know how to back up and restore the database data of Pleasanter installed on Azure.10.01.2024 up
- FAQ: PostgreSQL database backup and restore procedure10.04.2024 up
- FAQ: How to backup and restore Pleasanter's DB data08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to backup Pleasanter' DB data regularly (SQL Server)12.19.2024 up
- FAQ: Unable to connect when restoring files backed up on another server (SQL Server)08.14.2024 up
FAQ: Features for developers
- FAQ:$p.events.on_editor_loadを複数設定できるようにしたい04.29.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to retrieve data exceeding 200 records via API08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to set a date item to NULL in the API08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to get the display name via API08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: An error occurs when executing the API11.26.2024 up
- FAQ:ExcelからPleasanterへアクセスしたい04.29.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to output the error log of a server script08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to create or update a target record by reading a CSV file in a batch process08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to download attachments in a batch process10.01.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to create a new record with attachments in batch processing08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to batch download attachments of multiple records in a batch process08.14.2024 up
- FAQ:プリザンターから外部DBのテーブルを参照したい04.29.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to create a database view with the Japanese display name set in Pleasanter08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to get a list of users who belong to a Pleasanter group08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to reload information under the Parameters folder without restarting Pleasanter08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: What to check if modified configuration files or API requests (JSON format) are not recognized correctly08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to rebuild the search index in a batch process08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to display YouTube videos on the editing screen08.14.2024 up
FAQ: Operation
- FAQ: When i run CodeDefiner, i get the error "Implem.CodeDefiner has stopped working"08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to check DB usage08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to reduce the amount of logs output from SQL Server to the Windows Event Viewer08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How do I change the password policy for my account?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: After setting the server script, I get an application error and cannot open a table08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Changes made to the parameter file are not reflected08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to check the version of Pleasanter08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to check the email sending log of Pleasanter08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to delete my Pleasanter log08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to check the Pleasanter log08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: About the contents of the operation log (SysLogs table)10.01.2024 up
FAQ: Sample code collection
- Install Pleasanter on Windows Server 2012 R208.14.2024 up